Work Placements for Employers

Work experience placements provide many opportunities and benefits to both employers and students. Schools organising placements, need to check that you have risk management arrangements in place. Dream Safety Ltd. will support employers. We will visit your company, carry out a general inspection and agree a suitable job description for the student to ensure both you and the student are safe. We will also agree a job description with you so everyone is aware of what is expected from them.

Benefits to employers
Work experience placements provide many opportunities and benefits to both employers and students. Those most commonly cited by employers are:

a) Building links with local schools can help to attract school leavers into jobs and can reduce recruitment costs.

b) Employers can help improve the quality and help prepare young people coming into work, offering them a taste of real working life.

c) Many employers have found that work experience placements are the ideal way of raising the profile of career opportunities within their organisation.

d) Many employers attach importance to raising their company profile in the community. Work experience placements provide a valuable means of creating a positive image amongst schools, students, teachers, parents and employees.

e) Most employers offering work experience say having a student allows them more time to work on other aspects of their business, allowing them more free time and relieving work pressures.

f) Companies participating in work experience activities have found that such activities increase the motivation of their employees.

g) Closer liaison with schools and students helps employers to improve their understanding of modern learning processes and current educational qualifications, and enhances their relationship with teachers.

h) Students may provide fresh perspectives, as well as providing an additional resource.

i) Providing additional support in your company during busy periods.

Health and Safety Training and Consulting Covering North Wales and North West of England